Sexy Artsey

Cute 10-key wireless sculpted ergo keyboard with an encoder. It's fully open source! Make it personal by attaching various accessories and designing your own! ✨

It is a one-handed keyboard that uses Artsey layout. Letters are typed by pressing multiple keys at the same time — chords.


I designed multiple items you can attach to it like a handle, a lightning badge, spikes and a toy construction brick attachment. There is also an alternative cute flower knob.

It's easy to design your own accessories with the CAD files provided.


Sexy Artsey keyboard is designed for ( layout with the addition of two thumb keys. Here is the reference diagram of the original Artsey layout.

After trying the Artsey layout for a bit I realized a better fit might be a Taipo layout. So my current layout is mostly Taipo with some Artsey inspired parts too.


Technical Details


The build is handwired. I enjoyed designing the keyboard but I didn't enjoy wiring it. Too many wires! I used a matrix for 8 main keys and a direct connection for two thumb switches and encoder push button. Put in some lead pellets inside for weight.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask: contacts

This is my third try making an Artsey keyboard. So some files are called v3.

Heavily inspired by RNSATENO and FakeRNSATENO

License: AGPL-3.0